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Thomas Weise Aagaard •
2 oktober 2024 23:29:42
Hi, what is the shipping rate for green v artic white/gold/green to Denmark- - Thomas
Hi Thomas, the shipping rate to Denmark is at the moment 150 SEK. Sheers Anders
3 oktober 2024 10:33:34
Chris O •
4 juli 2024 04:04:47
How can I order a guitar to be shipped to the United States? Thank you
Hi Chris,
Nice to hear from you.
We ship guitars to US - so it is no problem.
You just order it on our website and pay with card or Paypal.
Thank you!
4 juli 2024 16:45:41
Tuan Cuong •
26 juli 2023 14:48:49
Hi, I would love to buy a flying v guitar from you. Can I ask how much is the shipping fee to Vietnam?
Hi Tuan, We have not shipped to Vietnam. Think cost are like 100 USD. Sheers Anders
3 oktober 2024 10:34:29
Filip •
21 juli 2020 01:23:50
Hej! Har ni möjlighet att fixa ett V i silverburst eller era gitarrer finns "bara" i de färger som presenteras i respektive kategori? Tack på förhand!
Hej Filip, i vår Custom Shop kan vi fixa det mesta - men då landar det på ca 15 000 kr. Vi kan fixa en Silverburst i Comfort Series om du kan vänta ca 6 månader på den. Du behöver beställa och betala den i förväg. /Anders
21 juli 2020 14:39:58
Richard Ingebretson •
9 juli 2018 03:36:32
Hello I am of Norwegian desent and live in the United States. What is the exchange rate of your currency to the dollar and what does shipping cost to the USA? rp1966geezer@gmail.com
Hi Richard,
Nice to hear from you. The exchange rate is about 8.80 SEK for a dollar at the moment. Freight costs to USA is 990 SEK but over 7000 SEK it is free./Anders
26 augusti 2019 09:41:10
Vilhelm •
1 juli 2018 14:02:06
Hej hade inte ni en jaguar/jazzmaster förut, var tog den vägen Plus, när kommer nya firebird
Hej Vilhelm, jodå den finns kvar fortfarande - Green J Master heter den. Den nya Firebirden har kommit. Ska lägga ut bilder bara /Anders
2 juli 2018 10:11:55
Alex •
6 januari 2018 20:01:25
The Serial# on Green 7 STR starts with an 'I' , does it mean Indonesia?
Hi Alex. We have not made any guitars in Indonesia./Anders
8 januari 2018 12:12:18
lmaxwellngr@att.net •
13 september 2017 18:05:14
I live in United States. Can I buy guitars from this website and have them shipped to the United States , 76008 Texas Thank you, looking forward to your response
Hi, nice to hear from you. Yes we ship all over the world. No problem./ Anders
- Thomas
3 oktober 2024 10:33:34
Nice to hear from you.
We ship guitars to US - so it is no problem.
You just order it on our website and pay with card or Paypal.
Thank you!
4 juli 2024 16:45:41
3 oktober 2024 10:34:29
Har ni möjlighet att fixa ett V i silverburst eller era gitarrer finns "bara" i de färger som presenteras i respektive kategori? Tack på förhand!
21 juli 2020 14:39:58
I am of Norwegian desent and live in the United States. What is the exchange rate of your currency to the dollar and what does shipping cost to the USA?
Nice to hear from you. The exchange rate is about 8.80 SEK for a dollar at the moment. Freight costs to USA is 990 SEK but over 7000 SEK it is free./Anders
26 augusti 2019 09:41:10
Plus, när kommer nya firebird
2 juli 2018 10:11:55
8 januari 2018 12:12:18
Thank you, looking forward to your response
18 september 2017 22:27:34
1 juni 2017 16:20:04